Meet Our Co-Author - Rachel Lopez Evans

About Rachel L. Evans

Rachel believes that everyone has pivotal moments that changes one’s life and direction, and she's had many, too many to count. After being enrolled in the military by her mother, two failed marriages, single parenting, and failing health; Rachel was disillusioned with love and life. Ironically, every setback, obstacle, challenge, and struggle only pivoted her towards triumph.  The military offered salvation and opportunity for Rachel, who retired from the military with a Master’s Degree after 21 years of honorable service. After the military, Rachel changed direction again when she became a real estate investor, a network marketer, a photographer, and now a health coach.  As a health coach, Rachel feels that it was her calling to offer a greater service to women facing health challenges, like she once did. Rachel has one daughter who has grown up to become a journalist and is working on her first novel.

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Breast Cancer a Domestic Violence Intervention Program changing lives in Rockdale, Newton, and Walton Counties